Chris Sharma really says it best. Climbing is a really creative and artistic thing as well as being an athletic sport. It's about finding beautiful things in nature and interacting with them.

But there`s more to it. Other sports have made-up rules, point systems, limitations. Climbing is simpler. It's not so much a sport as just our natural instincts to explore, and conquer biological and geographical boundaries. And break rules-- not even the flimsy societally enforced kind. Mountains were nature's very first people-proof gates.

And still for some reason, people find it hard to believe that rock climbing is creative. But creativity is paramount to success. You have you, (sometimes) a rope, a starting point (down here) and a finishing point (up there). Everything else is open ended, most circumstances are working against you. Now go.

A sport that's as equally mental as it is physical, creative, and rebellious.

My personal mentality around climbing stems from never being okay with being told what I can and cannot do. In this case, existing on an x-axis. I get a physical thrill every time I leave the ground with gravity pulling at my ankles. And then deeper underneath that, I get a mental thrill from knowing that I am doing what I'm not supposed to be doing.

These guys take that to the very next level. This weekend, I learned about a subsection of climbing called Base Jumping. Switch this movie to HD, turn it up full screen, and just be blown away by the freedom... and pure insanity.


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